Being a language enthusiast at the beginning of 2022

I want to write what's all on in my mind. Especially since I love watching Riverdale and feeling in love with Jughead (lol), I imagined that I could write whatever I wanted, same as him. I want to flashback to when I started being a "language enthusiast" again. Because the title seems not familiar to me since 2019 T-T

It all started with the internship program I took from my uni, which forced me to learn JP "again" seriously. The course spent 2,5 months in total but felt great when I watched and listened to Japanese things (finally, I can feel my brain understood many words of Nihongo). It makes my inner polyglot comebacks :)) I wanted to take any East Asian languages classes seriously because I already know some. But I guess it will make my head blow because of the similarity with JP T-T.

So, I want to have the experience of learning a language without any knowledge before. I decided to take one of the European languages because I never take any lessons with the serious one, and I chose Dutch. It's all just because I love WUR <3

Since Dec, I have taken an online class for Dutch, with neither particular purposes nor preparation. I jumped into it with Spotify's recommended song. I remember the first song that I enjoyed was Bon Gepakt. I took a lot from it because of the pronunciation of the "G" sound. Help me a lot, hihi. Then I started watching a series from Netflix called "Misfits" I love the sound of "Natuurlijk" (thanks a lot for language reactor apps). The course takes two months, and it will end this week T-T. I also feel great learning Dutch because finally, I know it is similar to German!

When it was a holiday at the end of Dec, I took that two languages seriously. I called it 月曜日 (Monday) to 木曜日 (Thursday) for JP and Vrijdag (Friday) to Zondag (Sunday), yeah it seems confusing, right? Hehe. But thankfully, DuoLingo and Linguo Class for Dutch keep awake me up to learn both of them.

In early 2022, I thought that ENG was important too to learn, and I wanted to take the IELTS test. It's my dream since I wanted to take it seriously last year. Thankfully, I found an affordable one from Linguo! 

Then start from now, I put ENG to my daily habit of learning languages, haha. It becomes three. I make the target material list's for each language. I want to keep this until the next nine weeks, hopefully. Now, the rules are Saturday until Monday is for IELTS-ENG, 火曜日 (Tuesday) to 木曜日 (Thursday) for JLPT-JP, and Vrijdag is the only one for basic Dutch! 

Semangat! Fighting!! 頑張って ください !!! Succes!!!!


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